πŸ“¦Device Sale

We will be offering a special DeEEP 1776 sale for early adopters for those crypto patriots ready to join the revolution and free Web3 from public clouds. These members will become the "Founding Fathers" of the DeEEP Network, earning the best rewards class and enjoying special privileges in the community.

Shipments will prioritize buyers based on the their purchase time, so purchasing earlier will result in an earlier ship date.

Device Identity NFT (DIN)

Each device connecting to the DeEEP Network will have a Device Identity NFT (DIN) linked to it. This NFT is linked to the private keys stored securely in a hardware TPM on the physical device. When paired with an individuals wallet the DIN instructs the network to deposit earnings from that physical device into the wallet it is tied to. This NFT will be issued to the wallet of someone purchasing a DeEEP device when they first setup the device on their network.

Hardware Shipment

The first 1776 devices will ship 10 weeks after ordering and be paired to testnet. They will automatically be migrated to mainnet at the launch of the DeEEP mainnet!

Last updated