πŸ‘«DeEEP Committees

DeEEP is designed to be run for the web3 community, by the web3 community. With that in mind the goal is to distribute the decision making to those with the right skillsets and interest that are supported by the community.

Committee Frameworks

All committees members are nominated by a member of the DeEEP community and voted into their position for a term of 12 months.

Committees shall meet at least every quarter in a public web meeting. Committees may meet more often than quarterly and may meet in private, but should publish meeting minutes for the community. Security focused committee(s) may designate portions of their meetings as restricted from the public to discuss threats that are under embargo and withhold publishing minutes for those portions.

Before the mainnet launch committees may be launched and members may be approved by a vote in Discord.

Good Citizen Committee

The Good Citizen Committee is in charge of proposing and setting rules and guidelines for participation of all members of the DeEEP Community.

Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Create rules preventing unfair gaming of rewards distributed to DeEEP members

  • Setting standards for acceptable services that can run on DeEEP

  • Setting community engagement rules and best practices to guide moderators (Discord, github, Telegram, etc)

Last updated